
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

To Photo or not to Photo

Honestly, I could really care less at this point about a photo of the now deceased Bin Ladin. What concerns me is that this is turning into a huge diversion from the real points that should be making the news.

Next week will decide if the government will raise the debt ceiling or not. Both sides of the fence have their points for and against, but they are strictly politically motivated. I see it more as a way to let government borrow more money on the backs of the American taxpayer. They have already spent us into oblivion, and yes, I mean BOTH parties have. Now they wish to expand that and do more harm to our economy.

I think everyone should contact their respective represenatives and tell them learn to control spending before you raise our debt limit.

Here is a link to contact according to your district.

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget Chuck and Kristi.
